Accelerating Programs and Good Governance, SEAMEO BIOTROP Appoints 14 Officials within SEAMEO BIOTROP Wednesday, 10 May 2023 on 6:04pm

Accelerating Programs and Good Governance, SEAMEO BIOTROP Appoints 14 Officials within SEAMEO BIOTROP

In organizing and managing the institution and organization of SEAMEO BIOTROP and to encourage positive change, the Director of SEAMEO BIOTROP, Dr. Zulhamsyah Imran, appointed 14 officials within SEAMEO BIOTROP for the 2023 term. The inauguration and oath-taking ceremony was held on May 10, 2023, in the Teluk Jakarta Room, Mercure Convention Centre Ancol.

The inauguration of BIOTROP officials aligns with the Decision of the Budget User Authority, Secretary of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 14/E1.KP/KPT/2023 regarding the Appointment of Honorarium of The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Regional Centre For Tropical Biology Employees for the Fiscal Year 2023; and the Director of SEAMEO BIOTROP Decree Number: 503/KP.01.01/IV/2023 regarding the Determination of the Organizational Structure and Human Resources of SEAMEO BIOTROP for the Year 2023.

In his speech, Dr. Zulhamsyah Imran conveyed several messages to the appointed officials, such as strengthening their commitment to improving the institution's resilience. Dr Zulham stated that various problems and challenges could be faced with high commitment. Besides commitment, it is also necessary to increase loyalty to the institution, which is already 55 years old.

"I hope that the appointed officials can also be responsible and fully maintain the trust given to them for their authority and position," he concluded.

The 14 officials appointed within SEAMEO BIOTROP include Sri Widayanti, M.Sc. as Science Innovation and Technology Department Manager, Dewi Suryani Oktavia Basuki, SP., MM as Human Center and Innovation Department Manager, Rima Febriana, S.E. as Finance and Facilities Management Department Manager as well as the Commitment Maker Officer, Tenni Wahyuni as Human Resources and Administration Department Acting Manager.

Haritz Cahya Nugraha, M.T was also appointed as Head of Knowledge Management, Publication, and Communication Unit, Dr Harry Imantho as Head of Section, Earth Observatory and Change Section, Risa Rosita, M.Sc. as Head of Section, Environmental Technology and Security Section, Dr. Rhomi Ardiansyah as Head of Section, Environmental and Finance Risk Management Section, Slamet Widodo Sugiarto, M.Sc. as Head of Section, Environmental Policy & Governance section, Trijanti A. Widinni Asnan, M.Sc. as Coordinator of Planning and Monitoring Programs and Activities, Peri Siantuni, S.E as DIPA Financial Supervisor, Aan Darwati, S.Ak. as Non-DIPA Financial Supervisor, Lastiah, S.E. as Building Maintenance Supervisor and Alfi Dwi Nugroho, A.Md. as Machine and Equipment Maintenance Supervisor.

The appointed officials expressed their gratitude for the trust given to them. They stated that they are ready to work with all staff and colleagues at SEAMEO BIOTROP and various external parties to realize the institution's vision and mission.

This inauguration ceremony was also attended by several guests from the Directorate General of Higher Education Kemdikbud, IPB University, and representatives from SEAMEO Centres in Indonesia. (hcn)

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