Forty-five participants completed BIOTROP’s National Training Course on Storage Pest Management Through Good and Proper Fumigation which was held at the Centre’s headquarter in Bogor, Indonesia on 18-21 September 2012.
The training was generally aimed at transfering current knowledge on alternative fumigants and the proper techniques on using these fumigants for storage pest control. The training also served as a venue for exchanging ideas and experiences among the participants in dealing with storage pest problems.
During the opening program, SEAMEO Director Dr. Bambang Purwantara emphasized the importance of the training in ensuring food safety and health of consumers in relation to one of the Centre’s focal topics on food and feed safety and security. He also said that the training is part of the Centre’s capacity building program of its stakeholders including those working in the field of insect pest control in food storage.
Training instructors were Dr. S. Idham Harahap, Drs. Sunjaya, and Ir. Sri Widayanti from SEAMEO BIOTROP, Dr. Purnama Hidayat from the Department of Plant Protection of the Institut Pertanian Bogor, Mr. H. Mohamad Rivai from PT Rebio Mega Aranda, Mr. Arief Zakaria from PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Bogasari, Dr. Antarjo Dikin and his team from Applied Research Institute of Agricultural Quarantine (ARIAQ), and Mr. Remill Mallari and his team from Cytec Industries Inc., Australia / PT Sterix Indonesia.
The participants received their certificates of completion from BIOTROP’s Deputy Director for Program Dr. Jesus C. Fernandez who officiated the closing of the training course. In his closing remarks, Dr. Fernandez congratulated the participants and encouraged them to put into practice and share with their colleagues what they have learned from the training. He also expressed the Centre’s appreciation to the resource persons and the companies that supported the training implementation.
The 45 participants consisted of personnel of pest control service and food industry companies, pesticide manufacturers and distributors, food storage managers, food crop and horticulture seedling producers, and research and teaching staff of universities.
Dr. Idham Sakti Harahap, SEAMEO BIOTROP scientist, served as training coordinator.