Tuesday, 28 February 2017 on 12:02pm

BIOTROP Celebrates its 49th Anniversary

To further inculcate the Centre’s program thrusts on tropical biology for “community welfare” and “environmental integrity” under its current 9th Five-Year Development Plan, BIOTROP celebrated its 49th anniversary on 6 February 2017 by planting trees around its campus and launching its catfish pond production for its staff members in its headquarter in Bogor.

In opening the celebration, BIOTROP Director thanked the staff members for their continuous commitment to serve the Centre towards achieving its vision, mission, and goals.

BIOTROP staff members planted seedlings of chestnut (Castanopsis argentea (Bl.) A.DC.) and Matoa (Pometia pinnata J.R. Forst. & G. Forst) trees to regreen its campus since there were several old trees that have been toppled down through the years due to heavy rains and strong winds. The choice of planting chestnut and matoa trees was to promote the economic and aesthetic values of these species to the awareness of staff members and the public that would visit the Centre campus.

To practice what they learned from the training on catfish production last year, BIOTROP staff by group released 6,000 catfish fingerlings in six ponds that the Centre constructed for them through which they could actually practice their skills in producing catfish as an additional source of livelihood at present and after retirement.

The celebration also recognized Mr Arif Nuryadin from Soil Laboratory as the winner of SEAMEO Service Award 2016 from BIOTROP.  The Centre also recognized some staff members who have retired and those who have completed their undergraduate and graduate education.

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