Wednesday, 12 October 2016 on 4:49am

BIOTROPIA awarded National Accreditation

SEAMEO BIOTROP’s bi-annual journal of tropical biology in Southeast Asia, BIOTROPIA, has officially been awarded certificate of national accreditation by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (MRTHE) of the Republic of Indonesia. The certification was issued by the Directorate General for Strengthening Research and Development of MRTHE on 29 September 2016.

The certification states that BIOTROPIA has fulfilled all criteria necessary for its content to be accredited in the online/e-journal category. The accreditation is a recognition of the journal’s quality and high public trust on the scientific works published therein.

Since 2012, BIOTROPIA has already gained international recognition by being indexed by Scopus. There are 18 scientific journals in Indonesia that are being indexed by Scopus. Aside from Scopus, BIOTROPIA is also indexed in DOAJ, Google Scholar and CrossRef. The journal is also being evaluated for indexing in ISI [Thomson Reuters] databases.

BIOTROPIA is an evolution of three former publications of SEAMEO BIOTROP, namely: SEAMEO BIOTROP Newsletter, BIOTROP Bulletin in Tropical Biology, and BIOTROP Technical Bulletin. The SEAMEO BIOTROP Newsletter first came out in 1972 but was discontinued in 1985 due to financial constraints. It resurfaced as BIOTROP Bulletin in Tropical Biology in 1986. This publication featured one single research output per issue written by staff or any scientist affiliated with the Centre. Its name was eventually changed to BIOTROP Technical Bulletin in the same year. The first issue of BIOTROPIA came off the press in December 1987 (Vol. I, No. 1). It was reformatted and upgraded from an in-house to a regional journal in February 1994 (BIOTROPIA No. 7). The phrase “Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Biology” was added to its name because expert reviewers from the SEA region were tapped to evaluate all manuscripts submitted for publication, and frequency of publication became regular biannually.

Congratulations to the BIOTROPIA Editorial Board, editors, reviewers and contributors for their continuous efforts to improve and make the journal more relevant!

Please visit this link for the e-journal website

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