SEAMEO Centres Indonesia Programs To Develop Skill And Work  Opportunities For Vocational School Alumni In Regional Area Monday, 15 March 2021 on 12:58pm

SEAMEO Centres Indonesia Programs To Develop Skill And Work Opportunities For Vocational School Alumni In Regional Area

The SEAMEO BIOTROP Morning Mind Cloud Idea Seri 4 (MOMI CLOUDIA) with theme “Support from SEAMEO Centres Indonesia In Merdeka Belajar and Vocational Education Programs to Develop Skill and Work Opportunities for Vocational School Alumni in Regional Area” was held online on March 8 2021. The forum aimed to explain about the role of SEAMEO Centres Indonesia in strengthening vocational education and supporting Merdeka Belajar and Kampus Merdeka program of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia.

In his remarks, a representative from the Bureau of Cooperation and Foreign Relations of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, Mr. Adi Nuryanto, said that excellent investment in human resources is the best preparation for a future Indonesia. Therefore, the education system must be able to create superior human resources. The need for quality human resources is increasingly urgent due to the rapid development of industrialization of science, information and communication technologies as well as changes in the structure of labor and economy approaching the 21st century.

The opening remarks were delivered by the Director of SEAMEO BIOTROP, Dr. Zulhamsyah Imran who stated that SEAMEO BIOTROP will continue to inspire various stakeholders in encouraging the formation of quality human resources and create jobs. Dr. Zulhamsyah expressed his expectation to continuously hold this MOMI CLOUDIA forum as a venue for sharing ideas and knowledge.

The forum then continued with the presentation by Dr Gatot Hari Priowirjanto who explained about the SEA Creative Camp trip, Proposal SPW3 SPW6 SPW12, and SEAMEO Academy/Institute. In his presentation, Dr Gatot said that the SEA Creative Camp is one of the learning patterns in which students learn directly from the experts. The SEA Creative Camp system is expected to inspire changes in the structure of student learning patterns in the future.

Dr Supriyanto as the moderator of the forum also said that Merdeka Belajar and Merdeka Campus programs are paths to provide opportunities for students to gain skills and to quickly read and change situations in directly consult the experts. This program requires connectivity, independence, creativity and ultimately being independent as an entrepreneur.


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