Thursday, 01 November 2018 on 3:04am

BIOTROP conducts 2<sup>nd</sup> Training on Spatial Dynamics Models for Decision Support in Food Security Program

BIOTROP completed the second offering of its Training on Spatial Dynamics Models for Decision Support in Food Security Program on 15-19 October 2018 at the MIT Building in the Centre’s campus in Bogor. A total of 27 participants from various universities and research institutions across Indonesia joined this training.

This training emphasized the importance of spatial data in planning, managing and using agricultural space/areas more productively. It was aimed to provide knowledge and skills to the participants to develop and utilize spatial models to prospect food adequacy, especially rice, at various administrative levels considering regional and demographic potentials.

BIOTROP Director Dr Irdika Mansur, in his opening remarks, stated that geospatial technology is significant in facing the demands of the industrial 4.0. Thus, BIOTROP continues to offer the training course to contribute to improving the agricultural sector in Indonesia.

“Spatial Dynamics Modeling is a method that can be used to prospect rice production. The model can provide an overview of the effects of policies applied to agricultural conditions in the future through a simulation process,” he added.

The training consisted of lectures in class and practicum sessions, covering: 1) Concept of System Dynamics Model, 2) System Dynamics Model to Support Decision Making in Spatial Planning for Food Security, 3) Model Limitation, Form and Hierarchy, 4) Role of Weather Data in the System Dynamics Model for Agriculture, 5) Model Parameterization, Verification and Validation, 6) Forester Diagram as a Tool in Modeling, 7) Methods of Formulating Land Spatial Dynamics Model and Rice Crop Monitoring, 8) Spatial and Non-Spatial Data Variables for Model Input, 9) Analysis of Spatial Determinant Weight of Rice Field Shrinkage, 10) Spatial Model Design of Rice Field Shrinkage, 11) Integration of Spatial Models of Rice Field Shrinkage and Rice Growth, 12) Simulation of Spatial Dynamics Model of Rice Plant Monitoring and Its Results’ Analysis using Food Security Policy Scenario, and 13) Spatial Simulation Based on Agents for Monitoring and Planning.

Resource persons during the training were Prof Herry Purnomo, Dr Hartrisari Hardjomidjojo, Dr Impron, Mr Desi Suyamto, SSi, and Mr Yon Sugiarto, MSc, from IPB, as well as Mr Harry Imantho, MSc, Mr Armaiki Yusmur, MSi, and Mr Slamet Widodo, SSi, from BIOTROP.

Dr Hartrisari Hardjomidjojo coordinated the training.

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