Thursday, 08 November 2018 on 3:00am

BIOTROP Conducts Training on Spatial Analysis of Land Carrying Capacity

SEAMEO BIOTROP, through its International Master Program (MSc in IT for Natural Resources Management) which is a collaborative program with Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), held a training on spatial analysis of carrying capacity and land capability to support regional development planning on 1-5 October 2018 in its Campus in Bogor. A total of 29 participants from various government institutions, research institutions and universities throughout Indonesia joined this training.

This activity aimed to share knowledge and technical skills on the concept and regulation of the carrying capacity and the region capability, development of analysis methods of the carrying capacity and the region capability, integration of environmental and ecosystem services in calculating land carrying capacity, and technique for analyzing the carrying capacity and the region capability.

“This is the first time that BIOTROP conducts such training. This activity is one of BIOTROP’s efforts in supporting the development by utilizing our resources without ignoring its conservation. It is written in three program thrusts of the Centre,” said Dr Jess Fernandez, BIOTROP’s Deputy Director for Program, in his opening remarks.

During this training, the participants obtained substantial material which included: 1) Concept and regulation of the analysis of the carrying capacity and region capability; 2) Methods for analyzing the carrying capacity and region capability; 3) Methods for analyzing environmental and ecosystem services; 4) Strategic environmental studies; (5) Data preparation techniques for analyzing land carrying capacity; and (6) Spatial analysis techniques for the carrying capacity and region capability.

Eight experts were invited to give the lectures and practical guidance on the above topics, namely Mr Sasmita Nugroho, SE, from the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Indonesia, Prof Widiatmaka and Dr Budi Kuncahyo from IPB, as well as Dr Impron, Dr Zulhamsyah Imran, Mr Harry Imantho, MSc, Mr Armaiki Yusmur, MSi, and Mr Slamet Widodo, SSi, from BIOTROP.

At the end of the training, all participants were also requested to create an action plan for their respective institutions as a requirement for passing the training.

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