Wednesday, 18 August 2010 on 2:51am

SEAMEO BIOTROP participates in ATBC meeting; explores collaboration with ISDA in Bali

The SEAMEO BIOTROP participated during the 2010 annual meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC) held at Sanur, Bali, Indonesia on 19-23 July 2010.  The Centre was represented by the Director, Dr. Bambang Purwantara, and four scientists, namely: Dr. Hilman Affandi, Dr. Sri S. Tjitrosoedirdjo, Dr. Ulfah J. Siregar, and Dr. Vincent Siregar.

The ATBC meeting was aimed at providing opportunities for scientists to exchange research results and experiences on the theme “Tropical biodiversity: surviving the food, energy and climatic crisis.” The ATBC is the world's largest professional society devoted to the furtherance of tropical biology and tropical conservation.  It holds annual meetings to promote research results and information exchange among biologists since 1963. This year’s  meeting consisted of 44 symposia, 12 workshops, and 200 poster sessions comprised the meeting activities. 

Aside from conducting a Symposium on Managing Invasive Alien Species during the meeting on 3 June 2010 with the Centre Director as convenor, the SEAMEO BIOTROP participated in oral and poster presentations through its scientists as follows:

1.    Dr. Sri S. Tjitrosoedirdjo gave an oral presentation on “Database development of Indonesian Invasive Alien Plant Species” during the Symposium on Manging Invasive Alien Species.  She was also the co-author of the paper on “Invasive Plant Species Posed a Great Problem to Forest Rehabilitation” which was also presented during the same symposium.
2.    Dr. Vincent Siregar presented a paper on “Estimation of coral fish abundance using combination of field survey data and satellite imaginary in the shallow water coral reef of Karanglebar and Cengkok during the Symposium on Small-scale Fisheries and the Tragedy of the Commons Revisited. His paper was co-authored by Sutrisno Sukimin, Sam Wouthuyzen, Sriati, Samsul Bahri, Andriani and Banda Slamet.
3.    Dr. Hilman Affandi presented a poster on Medicinal herbs of Pasir Mayang with _ Arief Nuryadin.,  S.B. Prayogo as co-authors.
4.    Dr. Ulfah Siregar, with J. D. Napitupulu and E. Suwarni as co-authors, presented a poster on Strategy to manage invasive new pest attacking Pinus merkusii plantation in Java, Indonesia.

During the opening program, Prof. Dr. Budiono, Indonesia’s Vice President, expressed the nation’s deep appreciation for the ATBC in promoting the importance of tropical biology and conservation particularly in Indonesia. In hosting the 2010 ATBC meeting, Indonesia benefited from taking the responsibility of  spreading cutting edge research findings to local and regional biologists, and to the general public, as well as facilitating the establishment of new partnerships that will lead to increased research on the country’s  abundant biodiversity and ecosystems.  The meeting was also expected to create a strong positive effect on education and conservation to help Indonesia, and other tropical countries, face the imminent food, energy and climate crisis. 

Attended by 900 particiapnts from 60 countries, the ATBC meeting was made possible through the partnership among LIPI-The Indonesian Institute of Sciences, University of Indonesia (UI), international institutions and sponsors.  The 2011 meeting will be in Tanzania, Africa.

After attending the ATBC meeting, Dr. Bambang, Dr Sri and Dr Ulfah visited the Institut Pengembangan Sumberdaya Alam (IPSA), also in Singaraja,  to observe and explore the possibility of establishing collaboration with the institute on its training and organic farming activities.

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