BIOTROP Organizes Training Course on Disaster Mitigation in Coastal Areas for Central Sulawesis School Teachers Friday, 09 August 2019 on 3:09pm

BIOTROP Organizes Training Course on Disaster Mitigation in Coastal Areas for Central Sulawesis School Teachers

SEAMEO BIOTROP in collaboration with Tadulako University conducted the training course on mapping and disaster mitigation in coastal areas on 29 July – 02 August 2019 at Tadulako University in Palu, Indonesia. This training aimed to improve the ability of training participants in understanding and knowing kinds of disasters in coastal areas and their mitigation, the characteristics of disaster-prone areas and exposed areas, the use of Geographic Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS) to identify mangrove ecosystems for mitigating coastal disasters, and the use of drones for taking aerial photos to map the ecosystem distribution in coastal areas.

This training course also focused on the development and preparation of teaching materials according to the rules of the revised Curriculum 2017 that contains Strengthening of Character Education (PPK), Literacy, 4C (Creative, Critical thinking, Communicative and Collaborative), and Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) which apply mapping techniques in disaster mitigation activities in coastal areas. Thirty-two participants consisting of school teachers and representatives from government institutions located in Central Sulawesi Province attended this activity.

The activity was opened by Dr. Ir. Muhardi, M.Si, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Tadulako University. In his opening remarks, he said, “Mapping and disaster mitigation is essential to do in all Indonesian areas because this country is located in the Ring of Fire area, thus, it is prone to disasters. With regard to this, a collaboration from many parties is required to have a comprehensive management. We, as a community, have to be resilient and understand how to respond and deal with disasters to minimize risks and to accelerate recovery.”

The same thing was also conveyed by Dr. Aslan, BIOTROP’s Acting Deputy Director for Program. He said that 70% of Indonesia's coastal areas including Palu are prone to disasters such as tsunamis, earthquake, and floods. Thus, disaster mitigation-based spatial plans and policies are indispensable in developing coastal cities.

To achieve its objectives, this training course featured eight experts, namely: Dr. Aslan, Dr. Zulhamsyah Imran, Armaiki Yusmur, MSi, and Slamet Widodo, SSi, from BIOTROP; Dr. Ir. Muhd Nur Sangadji, DEA, and Nur Salam, MSi, from Tadulako University; Dr. Ir. Fatma Djuwita, MSi, from Indonesia’s Ministry of Environment and Forestry; and Hariady Indra Mantong, MSc, from Human Settlements and Water Resources Government Office of Central Sulawesi Province.

The materials were delivered in lectures and practicum sessions, covering: 1) Coastal areas and potential disasters in Indonesia, 2) Legal basis for environmental studies and spatial planning, 3) Disaster risk in the preparation of Zoning Plans for Coastal Areas and Small Islands (RZWP3K), 4) Disaster risk in the Strategic Environmental Assessment (KLHS) of Spatial Plans (RTRW), 5) Disaster risk management in spatial planning, 6) Utilization of Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographic Information System (GIS) for disaster mapping and spatial planning in coastal areas, 7) Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) utilization for rapid disaster mapping, 8) Data acquisition techniques for disaster, 9) UAV flight operations for disaster mapping, 10) Mapping of coastal disaster areas with ArcGIS/QGIS, 11) RTRW evaluation with vulnerability maps using ARCGIS, and 12) Emergency Assistance for Rehabilitation and Reconstruction (EARR) project for disaster mapping.

Ahmad Amin, a teacher from SMKN 7 Palu, said, “This activity is very helpful both to support my duty as a teacher and to anticipate any disaster that possibly occurs in schools located in disaster-prone areas. I hope that similar training course will continue to be held in the future.”

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