Public Seminar on the Importance of Urban Biodiversity Islands Thursday, 17 November 2022 on 11:56am

Public Seminar on the Importance of Urban Biodiversity Islands

Among efforts to realize its tagline “Save Biodiversity from Mountains to Oceans”, SEAMEO BIOTROP held a public seminar with the theme “The Importance of Urban Biodiversity Islands” on 14 November 2022. This public seminar presented Dr Katja Rembold, an expert of botanical garden from the Institute of Plant Sciences, University of Bern, Switzerland, as a resource person. This public seminar took place in SEAMEO BIOTROP Campus, Bogor by using blended platforms. 

The public seminar was officially opened by the Director of SEAMEO BIOTROP, Dr Zulhamsyah Imran. “This public seminar is one method to disseminate information about the importance of biodiversity and biodiversity loss. As we know, biodiversity is lost and eliminated again and again because of the anthropogenic activities as well as natural causes such as natural disasters and climate change,” said Dr Zulhamsyah Imran in his opening remarks. Dr Zulhamsyah also extended his warm welcome to the participants and appreciated the participants for taking part in this public seminar which was hoped to enrich the knowledge in regard of biodiversity.  

Dr Evelyn V. Bigcas, SEAMEO BIOTROP’s Deputy Director for Program, also provided a brief remark in this occasion. In her remarks, Dr Evelyn was pleased to attend this public seminar which topic is very much important for saving biodiversity and learning about various factors that cause biodiversity loss.  

Materials presented by Dr Katja Rembold was about the Importance of Urban Biodiversity Islands. In her presentation, Dr Katja Rembold explained that there are three important things in the term biodiversity, i.e., species diversity, genetic variability, and ecosystem diversity. The combination of these three things forms a biodivers system. Dr Katja also suggested to all participant to have a little space for building a mini garden in their house or neighborhood as a small step in saving biodiversity. 

The public seminar was actively participated by 130 participants from various research institutions, universities, government agencies as well as Affiliate Scientists from SEAMEO BIOTROP and the students joining the MSIB Batch 3 Program. (asa, hcn).

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