Monday, 20 June 2016 on 4:20am

BIOTROP formalizes collaboration with MARDI, UNSRAT

SEAMEO BIOTROP recently signed memoranda of understanding with the the Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI) and the Universitas Sam Ratulangi (UNSRAT) of Indonesia.

The MoU with MARDI was the result of the mission trip of BIOTROP Director Dr. Irdika and Deputy Director for Program Dr Jess C. Fernandez to Malaysia on 16-18 February 2016. The MoU was signed by Dr Irdika and MARDI Director General Dato’ Dr Sharif Bin Haron on 24 May 2016. The collaboration will involve research, capacity building, and information exchange activities related to agriculture and tropical biodiversity. It will be effective until 2020. Dr. Fernandez and MARDI Deputy Director Dr Umi Kalsom Bt. Abu Bakar served as witnesses in the MoU signing.

With UNSRAT, the MoU was signed by Dr Irdika Mansur and UNSRAT Rector Prof Dr Ellen Joan Kumaat on 24 May 2016 back-to-back with the opening of BIOTROP’s Seminar on “Nutmeg’s Quality Improvement” at UNSRAT Rector Hall in Manado, Indonesia. Under this collaboration, BIOTROP and UNSRAT will jointly (1) implement research, capacity building, information exchange programs, projects and other related activities whenever and wherever feasible opportunities present themselves; and (2) conduct staff and student exchange and consultations on relevant research, training and other learning events. This MoU will be effective until 24 May 2019.

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