Thursday, 25 June 2009 on 5:05am

Seminar on the Direction of the Evaluation of SEAMEO Units

Seminar on the Direction of the Evaluation of SEAMEO Units
Arnoma Hotel, 3 August 2009

During the 44th SEAMEO Council Conference, the SEAMEO Secretariat has presented working paper on the Strengthening and Upgrading Review and Evaluation of SEAMEO Programme and Projects: Preliminary Evaluation of SEAMEO Units. The Conference resolution approved that: (a) a seminar be organized involving all Centre Directors to discuss the direction of the evaluation of SEAMEO Units, and (b) an evaluation committee be set up to plan and execute the evaluation procedures. In relation to the implementation of these resolutions, the SEAMEO Secretariat will convene Seminar on the Direction of the Evaluation of SEAMEO Units.

1.   To discuss the direction of the evaluation of SEAMEO Units.
2.   To identify areas to be evaluated in the evaluation of SEAMEO Units.
3.   To develop Terms of Reference (ToR) for the evaluation committee.
4.   To set up an evaluation committee to plan and execute the evaluation procedures.

Expected Outputs
1.    An agreement on the overall direction of the evaluation.
2.    An agreement on the areas to be evaluated.
3.    ToR of the evaluation committee.
4.    An evaluation committee to plan and carry out the evaluation.

The seminar will be divided into four sessions:

Session 1: Opening formalities

Opening remark by SEAMES Director

Presentation and discussion:

Part 1
Presentation on issues related to SEAMEO Units' Evaluation where the main focus is
to decide on how to develop the evaluation. This session may include: 1) rational for the evaluation, b) purpose of the evaluation, 3) methodology of the evaluation, and 4) party who will carry out the evaluation.

Part 2
Presentations   by   selected   centre  directors   on   their  experience   with   internal
evaluation and their proposal for evaluation of SEAMEO units for some insights.

Part 3
Discussion and agreement on model of evaluation

Session 2: Workshop on the Identification of the areas to be evaluated

Suggested structure of the Workshop:

Participants will be divided into three groups consist of SEAMEO Units Directors/Coordinators and SEAMEO Secretariat staff. Each group will be chaired by Centre Directors.

Each group will discuss and decide what key areas of SEAMEO Units to be evaluated and will do presentation at the end of the session.

Session 3: Workshop on the development of TOR and setting-up the Evaluation Committee

Part 1
Suggested structure of the Workshop:
The structure of workshop is the same as in the session 2. Each group will discuss
the TOR for the evaluation committee and will do presentation at the end of the

Part 2
All participants in whole group will set up the evaluation committee and determine
further actions to be taken by the committee for the evaluation of SEAMEO Units.

Session 4
: Closing Formalities

•    Summary of the result of Seminar
This session is the conclusion or decisions of seminar that may include decisions on areas to be evaluated, method of the evaluation, committee evaluation members, and further actions to be taken for the evaluation of SEAMEO units.
•    Reflection by the head of evaluation committee.
•    Closing remarks by SEAMES Director


1.    SEAMEO Centre Directors/Network Coordinators
2.    Representatives of SEAMEO Centres/Networks
3.    SEAMEO Secretariat staff

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