Regional Webinar on TALK SERIES ON BIODIVERSITY CLINIC “Biodiversity Clinic (BIONIC) For Our Sustainable Life” Monday, 03 July 2023 on 10:38am

Regional Webinar on TALK SERIES ON BIODIVERSITY CLINIC “Biodiversity Clinic (BIONIC) For Our Sustainable Life”

We know that Biodiversity plays a very important and vital role in ensuring our sustainable life. Biodiversity has benefits for economic, social and environmental interests. If the three benefits are obtained, an increase in human life standards is achieved. One of what SEAMEO BIOTROP wants to do is to build a Biodiversity Clinic (BIONIC) online to assist schools and communities in providing diagnosis and management advice regarding pest and disease control issues, especially those in their gardens. The preparation of BIONIC online of course, will involve experts related to BIONIC activities, from universities, the government and the private sector to ensure the continuity of BIONIC.

There're some of BIOTROP's result studies that have been carried out and are carrying out related to the development of BIONIC online are studies on organic pesticides, biological fertilizers, pest management, study on weeds and Alien Invasive Plants, and Natural products such as essential oils. We know that the dream to have BIONIC online isn't easy to achieve, still we need the support and role from other stakeholders in Southeast Asia to complement the existing expertise at SEAMEO BIOTROP.

Director of SEAMEO BIOTROP, Dr. Zulhamsyah Imran stated that the holding of this event adds to the level of usefulness of BIOTROP together in advancing education in Biodiversity Clinic aspects. The high competitiveness of the nation will encourage independence and will ultimately lead to the welfare of the nation. This activity is very useful because the topics are very up to date and provided directly from the resource persons and experts to respond to on global challenges related in supporting ecological sustainability through the biodiversity clinic platform online in Southeast Asia.
There will be several objectives to be achieved in this webinar are:

  1. Introducing and disseminating study results from our stakeholders related to Biodiversity Clinic (BIONIC)
  2. Creating a network of experts related to Biodiversity Clinic (BIONIC)
  3. Developing the Biodiversity Clinic design in maintaining life sustainability

This event has been conducted in a hybrid manner through the online Zoom platform and face-to-face at Jati Room, SEAMEO BIOTROP 27 June 2023. Mrs Risa Rosita, S.Si., coordinator program reported that this webinar was attended by more than 204 either offline or online. The  participants from Indonesia, Cambodia, Malaysia, and the Philippines. Of the participants, 21% came from Governances,7% from private companies, 28% from Schools, and 44% Universities.

This activity is held in collaboration among SEAMEO BIOTROP, Bogor Agricultural University, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Mindanao State University (MSU), State University of Semarang (UNNES), Indonesian Oil Palm Research Institute, and PT Pupuk Kaltim.

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