Monday, 01 October 2018 on 2:29am

BIOTROP trains 30 Indonesians in Zone Planning of Coastal Areas and Small Islands Using Spatial Technologies

Considering the rich biodiversity in Indonesia’s coastal areas and their potentials for development, SEAMEO BIOTROP held a training on Optimizing Spatial Technologies in Designing Zoning Plans of Coastal Areas and Small Islands on 24-28 September 2018 at its headquarter in Bogor. This training focused on the application of some spatial softwares and techniques to analyze and plan for development zones of coastal areas and small islands.

The participants obtained deeper insights on the following topics during the training: (1) the concept of RZWP-3-K as the basis for the preparation of marine spatial planning, (2) selection and acquisition of Open Ocean Data (OOD), (3) OOD processing techniques, (4) selection and acquisition of High-Resolution Satellite Imagery (CSRT) and Medium-Resolution Satellite Imagery (CSRM) data, (5) remote sensing data processing techniques,( 6) spatial analysis techniques for coastal areas and isle zonation, (7) data integration in the Indonesian Geography Elements Catalogue (KUGI), (8) software application for processing spatial data, and (9) introduction to the latest technology in the field of marine spatial data.

Three coastal management experts, namely: Prof Vincentius Siregar from BIOTROP, Dr Dewayany Sutrisno from Geospatial Information Agency and Mr Wildan Ghiffary from Global Fishing Watch Indonesia provided the lectures and practicum sessions to the participants.

A total of 30 participants from various education institutions, government institutions, research institutions and non-government organization across Indonesia joined this activity. They formulated individual action plans for implementation in their respective institutions as a course requirement.

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