Thursday, 01 July 2010 on 2:37am

SEAMEO BIOTROP Conducts National T.C. on the Management of Weeds and Invasive Alien Plant Species

A National Training Course on the Management of Weeds and Invasive Alien Plant Species was organized and held by BIOTROP, Bogor from 14 to 19 June 2010.

The main objective of the course was to address the knowledge of the management of weeds and Invasive Alien Plant Species to the participants.  The specific objectives were (1) to share the knowledge on recent development of weed science as well as various weed control approaches, (2) to develop the interest of participants in weed management to overcome weed problems, and (3) to serve as a forum for exchange of information and experiences on weed problems and their control as well as to establish a network of weed scientists.

The course contents covered topics such as: Concept of Weeds and Invasive Alien Plant Species, Convention on Biodiversity, Systematic and Identification, Biology, Ecology and Population Dynamics, Control Techniques (prevention, chemical control, biological control, integrated control of weed and invasive alien plant species), Weeds and Agriculture Quarantine Aspects, and Risk Analysis, Group Assignments and Report Writing. 

Resource persons of the course were BIOTROP scientists, lecturers from Bogor Agricultural University, staff from Chemical Companies and Agriculture Quarantine Service. Dr. Soetikno S. Sastroutomo from CABI, MARDI, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia was invited as guest lecturer of the course. 

The course was conducted in Indonesian and attended by 34 Indonesian participants coming from Universities, Plantations, Research Institutions, Quarantine Service, National Park and Private Companies in Indonesia, while lecturers of the course were resource persons from CABI, Selangor, Malaysia, Agriculture Quarantine Service, Bogor Agricultural University, Chemical Companies and SEAMEO BIOTROP.

At the start of the course, an evaluation or pre-test was given to the participants to find out their background knowledge on weeds and invasive alien plant species and their management.  The results of the test showed significant improvements for most of the participants,. 

On 18 June 2010, all participants of the course attended the one-day Workshop on Management of Weeds and Invasive Alien Plant Species.

A project assignment was given. The participants were divided into 7 groups to carry out an assignment of one of the following topics: 1. Quarantine Weeds, 2. Forest Weeds, 3. Weed Competition, 4. Vegetation Analysis, 5. Biological Control, 6. Risk Analysis of Weeds, 7. Mixture of Herbicides. At the end of the course the project assignments were presented in a seminar.

The course was led by Dr. Sri S. Tjitrosoedirdjo, BIOTROP Senior scientist.

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