SEAMEO BIOTROP’s 62nd Governing Board Meeting, Reflecting on Achievements and Planning for the Future Monday, 07 October 2024 on 2:53pm

SEAMEO BIOTROP’s 62nd Governing Board Meeting, Reflecting on Achievements and Planning for the Future

Bogor, 3 October 2024 – SEAMEO BIOTROP, the Southeast Asian Regional Centre for Tropical Biology, successfully convened its 62nd Governing Board Meeting (GBM) from 3 to 5 October 2024, held at IPB University and SEAMEO BIOTROP in Bogor, Indonesia. This year’s meeting took place under somber circumstances, as participants paid tribute to the late SEAMEO BIOTROP Director, Dr. Zulhamsyah Imran, who passed away on 30 September 2024.

The opening ceremony was attended by distinguished guests, including a representative from the Embassy of the Kingdom of Thailand, SEAMEO BIOTROP Governing Board Members, SEAMEO Secretariat officials, Deputy Director for Administration and Communication, high-ranking officials and faculty from IPB University, and SEAMEO Centres from Indonesia and the Philippines.

Prof. Dr. Iskandar Zulkarnaen Siregar, Vice Rector for Global Connectivity, Collaboration and Alumni at IPB University and Governing Board Member representing Indonesia, welcomed participants to the meeting. He emphasized IPB University’s commitment to innovation and collaboration in tropical biology education and praised the role of the Governing Board in supporting sustainable development in the region. Prof. Siregar also encouraged participants to explore Bogor’s rich cultural and educational offerings during their stay.

The Deputy Director for Administration and Communication at SEAMEO Secretariat, Ms. Pintip Iamnirath also delivered opening remarks, expressing deep sorrow over the loss of Dr. Zulhamsyah. She recognized his tremendous contributions to the Centre and thanked Ms. Sri Widayanti, Officer-in-Charge for the Deputy Director of Administration, for stepping into the role during this period of transition. Ms. Iamnirath expressed her confidence in Ms. Widayanti’s leadership in carrying forward Dr. Zulhamsyah’s legacy.

The meeting saw participation from seven Governing Board members from Indonesia, Brunei Darussalam, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, and Thailand, as well as representatives from the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of Indonesia. Governing Board members from Cambodia, Singapore, and Timor-Leste joined the meeting virtually via Zoom.

As an annual platform for reviewing the Centre’s performance and setting future goals, this year’s Governing Board Meeting addressed 20 Working Papers and 5 Information Papers. Key discussions included the evaluation of SEAMEO BIOTROP’s annual report and audited financial statements, the appointment of new Deputy Directors for Administration and Programme, and upcoming research and training initiatives for the year ahead.

One of the significant agenda points was the replication of SEAMEO BIOTROP’s Agro-Eco-Edu-Tourism (AEET) program across Southeast Asia. This program aims to expand the Centre’s impact in biodiversity conservation and environmental education through a combination of interactive and hybrid learning approaches. The meeting also approved a regional seminar to be held in collaboration with Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), which will further promote the AEET initiative throughout the region.

The first day included cultural and educational visits, including the visitation to the cemetery of Dr. Zulhamsyah Imran to pay respects, and continue with Campus tour of IPB Museum and Agribusiness and Technology Park where the participants enjoyed the afternoon tea/coffee.

On the second day, participants visited IPB University’s Science and Technology Park as well as visiting SEAMEO BIOTROP Agro-Eco-Edu Tourism Park, together with the plaque signing by Prof Arif Satria, BIOTROP’s Governing Board Member of Indonesia. On the third and final day, participants enjoyed a visit to the Bogor Botanical Garden, exploring its rich biodiversity and learning about its significance in conservation efforts.

Through the discussions and resolutions made during the 62nd Governing Board Meeting, SEAMEO BIOTROP reaffirmed its role as a leader in tropical biology research and education, while honoring the legacy of its late Director, Dr. Zulhamsyah Imran.

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