Webinar and FGD Sustainable and Innovative Financing on Invasive Alien Species (IAS) Management in Indonesia Saturday, 04 September 2021 on 11:45am

Webinar and FGD Sustainable and Innovative Financing on Invasive Alien Species (IAS) Management in Indonesia

SEAMEO BIOTROP collaborated with the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK), the Directorate General of Natural Resources and Ecosystem Conservation (KSDAE), and FAO held a "Webinar and FGD Sustainable and Innovative Financing on Invasive Alien Species (IAS) Management in Indonesia" on 03 September 2021 via online zoom. This activity aims to provide information and discuss the potential sustainable financing innovations as well as increase collaboration between stakeholders in developing IAS management projects in Indonesia. This Webinar and FGD was attended by 115 participants spread from various central government, local governments, NGOs, researchers, and academics.

Some of the speakers and the topics presented at this event were:

  1. Ir Medrilzam, MProfEcon., PhD (Director of Environment, National Planning Agency). He gave a presentation on Sustainable and Innovative Financing Strategy in IAS Management in Supporting Biodiversity Management Post-2020
  2. Mochammad Saleh Nugrahadi, SSi, MSc., PhD (Assistant Deputy for Watershed Management and Natural Resources Conservation, Deputy for Environmental and Forestry Management Coordination, Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment). The topic presented by him is the coordination and the role of each stakeholder on IAS management
  3. Poppy Ismalina, MEcDev., PhD (Associate Professor in Economics, Gadjah Mada University). She provides her experience in handling green funding projects and ideas for sustainable finance innovations in green projects in Indonesia

IAS is one of the sources that threaten biodiversity, therefore IAS management is needed to be prioritized. The management of IAS in Indonesia is still not optimal due to the lack of integration of roles between ministries/agencies and the lack of funding. At the opening of this event, Mr Ageng Herianto, a representative FAO from Indonesia, stated that a proposal is needed to get integrated funding support because so far the management of IAS is still partial and not complete. "If IAS is not handled properly it will cause enormous losses that threaten biodiversity," he stressed. The Indonesian government already has comprehensive funding to address climate change and biodiversity, but the IAS still has many challenges. "There is a need for input of ideas regarding the mapping of institutions and their role to conduct a sustainable financing innovation mechanism," he added.

In line with what was stated by Mr Ageng Herianto, that integrated funding requires the participation of all institutions. Mr. Anang Ristanto as Plt. The Head of the Bureau of Cooperation and Public Relations (BKHM) Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology in his speech stated that IAS is a cross-sectoral issue and from his point of view, research on the analysis of the impact of IAS losses on biodiversity needs to be investigated further and can be synchronized with the independent study program in universities. "The Ministry of Education and Culture also has an independent learning program, funding and IAS can also be synchronized with the independent learning program," he said.

Save biodiversity is also one of the focuses at SEAMEO BIOTROP. IAS needs to be handled appropriately to save biodiversity. Dr Zulhamsyah Imran as a Director of SEAMEO BIOTROP also added that if we want to link sustainable financing innovation in IAS management, we can see from the point of view on its economic benefits because IAS can be used as a source of livelihood for some groups. This is in line with what was stated by the Director of Biodiversity Conservation, The Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Drh Indra Exploitasia who stated that IAS can provide benefits in the future economic development. "IAS is not only a detrimental factor but how IAS can be beneficial or profitable for various interests and this is a very important factor because it can affect the socio-cultural aspects of the community," she said. She also hopes that this discussion can generate ideas for sustainable financing on IAS management and become a policy formulation that can be prioritized. (day).

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