Discussing Sciences for Life and Sustainable Development in SEMIRATA 2022 Friday, 19 August 2022 on 9:30am

Discussing Sciences for Life and Sustainable Development in SEMIRATA 2022

IPB University in collaboration with SEAMEO BIOTROP conducted a SEMIRATA 2022 in conjunction with the 6th International Seminar on Science (ISS), the 5th International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST), and the 13th International Fundamental Science Congress (IFSC). The theme for SEMIRATA 2022 was “Sciences for Life and Sustainable Development”. The SEMIRATA 2022 took place in a hybrid platform on 9-10 August 2022 at IPB Convention Center. 

The 6th International Seminar on Science (ISS) was carried out simultaneously with four other scientific activities such as Parallel Meetings, Dean and Vice Dean Forum, Head of Study Program Forum, and Journal Management Forum. Specifically, the Journal Management Forum was coordinated by the university collaboration agency of the west region in the Mathematics and Natural Sciences field, Universiti Putra Malaysia (Malaysia), Kasetsart University (Thailand), and the Southeast Asian Regional Centre for Tropical Biology (SEAMEO BIOTROP). The highlighted topics in this event were related to the science for life resilience and sustainable development featuring essential recent research ranging from fundamental aspects to useful applications. 

This event was officially opened by Dr Berry Juliandi, the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, IPB University. In his opening remarks, Dr Berry Juliandi said “This conference is an important part of collaboration in advancing fundamental sciences in the new norm. I believe this conference will be enjoyable and we can share our experiences and research findings for the benefit of the world”. The Director of SEAMEO BIOTROP, Dr Zulhamsyah Imran also provided a welcome speech at this event. In his welcoming remarks, Dr Zulhamsyah Imran said “It is a great moment for the researchers, practitioners, and all academic communities to address and disseminate the results of research on science and technology to the scientific community. I wish we can establish a network to connect and collaborate among the researchers on how to increase our thoughts and actions in developing science and technology to save biodiversity”.

The SEMIRATA 2022 was attended by 18 invited speakers from Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, France, Saudi Arabia, Australia, Japan, Thailand, South Korea, and Germany. This event was participated by 277 participants consisting of researchers, lecturers, students, and practitioners. The 265 participants joined the SEMIRATA 2022 as oral presenters. (asa, sis).

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