Tuesday, 11 August 2015 on 6:06am

BIOTROP PDSD Manager Trains PT. Fajar Surya Swadaya's R&D Staff

Fifteen participants from R&D Laboratory Staff of PT. Fajar Surya Swadaya attended the training program on the Development of Acacia mangium and Eucalyptus pelita Plant Tissue culture on 4 July to 6 July 2015 at PT. Fajar Surya Swadaya Tissue Culture Laboratory in Balikpapan.

This training program is one of the MoU implementation between BIOTROP and PT. Fajar Surya Swadaya signed on 7 October 2014. On this MoU BIOTROP provide its expert to assist PT. Fajar Surya Swadaya to develop the industrial forestry using Acacia mangium and Eucalyptu pelita

BIOTROP PDSD manager, Mr. Samsul A.Yani is the resource peson for this training. This training aim to develop and enhance the ability and knowledge of PT. Fajar Surya Swadaya R&D staff in tissue culture. He explain about how to cultures Acacia mangium and Eucalyptus with plant tissue culture method. The expected output is to enhance the competency of PT. Fajar Surya Swadaya’s R&D laboratory staff.

The training program covers lecture session, laboratory practice session and discussion session. Topics discussed and practice materials during the training were seedling production plants by tissue culture

The training was coordinated by Mr. Samsul A. Yani.

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